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Create a web site for ease of PHP-based Contact Forms!


"Create a web site for ease of PHP-based Contact Forms!"
runterload.de Editor: From right to your site to be able to contact you Do you want your visitors? To protect yourself from spam e-mail address Do you want to hide? Then this tool for you! Easily and quickly be able to contact a powerful form of communication to create and publish your site. , E-mail address and message text, you may have to enter a name for the regular field outside a lot, such as additional space, just like you who are interested in this form, any information that you gather all the PHP and the excellent work will provide is based on modern web servers.

Contact Form Builder consists of two sections: Form and Output. To configure and use the form section of the form add / remove form fields and the Output section to get final PHP / CSS code form.

Form (see screenshot)
Form part consists of a list of items, add / remove items and to change the parameters of the various forms and fields to edit the buttons.
Recipient's e-mail address field, enter the information form will be sent to the message.
if the form contained in the default subject subject subject message is used to enter descriptions.
"Thank you" message after the message was successfully sent the message to be displayed for this user definitions.
Add the button adds a new field. Field parameters and selected area Clone adds a new field. Delete deletes the selected area field.
Text Fields, Text Areas, and Check Box form field options, where the text field of a single line text entry field and type to define the text area multi-line text input field: selected / not selected and the Check Box with two values, a box is.
Domain Name form is displayed next to this field is used to edit the text.
Minimum length limit is used for Min.length value in the field. If the text length is less than the minimum value, the form will display an error message.
You can download now at 1.00 Powerful Communication Max.length maximum length limit is used.

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